How to add an announcement bar in Squarespace

Announcement bars are a great way to make important announcements, offer discounts, and promote products or services on your website. If you have a Squarespace website, you may be wondering how to add an announcement bar to your site.

In this blog post, we'll walk you through the steps to create an announcement bar in Squarespace that is both eye-catching and effective.

In the dashboard of the website in which you want to add your announcement bar, click on the Website option

Click the Website Tools option

In the website tools screen, click on Announcement Bar option

The announcement bar modal will open. In the drop-down select Enable Announcement Bar. Enabling the announcement bar will display additional text and URL fields.

Now it's time to customize your announcement bar.

In the text field, enter the text you want to display in the announcement bar and in the link field enter the link you want to open when the announcement bar is clicked. After entering the necessary information, click Save.

The announcement bar will be displayed on the top of your site.

Note: If your site is on a free trial then you need to upgrade to any of squarespace’s paid plan to access the announcement bar feature if your site goes live.

Adding an announcement bar to your Squarespace website is a great way to make important announcements and promote your products or services.

By following these simple steps, you can create an announcement bar in the blink of an eye. So why not give it a try?


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