How to password protect Squarespace site

Adding a password to your Squarespace website can help you keep your content secure and prevent unauthorized access. Additionally, customizing the lock screen layout can enhance the user experience for visitors accessing your site.

In this post, we'll walk you through the steps to add a password to your Squarespace site and change the lock screen layout.

i) How to add password to squarespace site

Log in to your Squarespace account and navigate to the Settings tab.

Click the Site Availability option and select the Password Protected option.

Enter an easy to remember and secure password in the the password field and click Save.

ii) How to change lock screen layout

Log in to your Squarespace account and navigate to the Website tab.

Click the System Pages option under the Utilities category.

In the system pages screen, choose the Lock Screen option

Now, to change the appearance and layout of the lock screen, click the Change Layout button.

Squarespace offers a variety of layout options to choose from, including full-screen images, text overlays, and more.

Click on the layout you prefer, and click Save

You can also customize your lock screen by adding your own images, text, and background color.

When you're done making all the changes, click Save and the new lock screen layout will be applied to your Squarespace site.

Adding a password and changing the lock screen layout in Squarespace is a great way to enhance the security and user experience of your website.

By following the simple steps outlined in this post, you can easily implement these changes to your Squarespace site and ensure that your content is safe and accessible to the right people.


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How to create password protected page in Squarespace