How to add a carousel in Squarespace

Are you looking to add a carousel to your Squarespace 7.1 website? A carousel is a great way to display multiple images or products in a single location and can be a helpful tool for engaging your website visitors.

It's easy to add a carousel to your Squarespace 7.1 website with just a few simple steps.

There are multiple ways to add a carousel in Squarespace. And in this post, we have listed them all. You can use any of these methods to add a carousel to your Squarespace website.

Table of Contents

  1. Using Gallery Block

  2. Using Summary Block

  3. Using Squarespace Section Templates

i) Using Gallery Block

To add a gallery block, click on the Add Block button, select the Gallery block

Click the Design tab and select the Carousel option. You can also customize various options like the automatic transition between slides, showing the next and previous control buttons, alignment and more.

Now, to upload the images for your carousel, select the Content tab. Now click the Upload Images button to upload images for your carousel.

A small drawback of the gallery block is that you can’t customize the number of images that you want to display in the carousel, and it will vary depending on the size of the gallery block.

ii) Using Summary Block

If you are using the Summary block to insert the carousel then you need to have any of the collection pages like Blog, Portfolio or similar. You can add a blog collection page and replace each of the individual blog post content with the content that you want to display.

Click the Add Block button and select Summary block.

Click the Edit (pencil) icon button and click Select a Page option.

Now, select the blog page you created. The summary block will get populated with the content present in the blog collection.

Now, to change the style of the summary block to the carousel, select the Design tab.

From the drop-down choose Carousel. Under the design tab, you can customize various other options like the number of items you want to display in the carousel, the number of items to display in a row, the aspect ratio of the images, text size, padding and more.

Using all these options, you can customize the carousel the way you want. Compared to any other options in the list, the summary block option offers more customizability.

iii) Using the section templates

In the method we use one of the pre-built carousel squarespace templates to insert a carousel. Click the Add Section button.

The Add a Section modal will open up. Now, select the People section. Here you can find various pre-built section layouts, scroll down until you find a carousel-style section. Click on it to insert the section.

To edit the carousel, click the Edit (Pencil) icon. In the modal that opens up, you can find all the customization options under the Design tab.

Here you can change the number of columns/items to be displayed, the image aspect ratio, enable infinite scrolling of the carousel, adjacent slides and so on.

Similarly, if you want to change the contents of the carousel, including the images, title, description and button, click the Content tab.

And, under the Elements tab you can customize the elements you want to display in the carousel.

Just like the carousel template in the People section, you can find other variants of carousels in other sections like Testimonials and Portfolio.

Adding a carousel to your Squarespace 7.1 website is a simple process that can help enhance your website's visual appeal and engage your visitors.

By following these steps, you can create a customized carousel that showcases your images or products in an effective and engaging way.


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