Template Support

Got questions about your template? Don't worry, we've got your back! To save you some time, take a peek at our FAQs and Policies for speedy solutions.

And if that doesn't do the trick, just shoot us a support ticket or an email at support@sstemplatestudio.com, and we'll swing by with a response within one business day. We're here to help!


  • After buying a template from us, you can immediately access all the tutorials that will assist you in preparing for your website build and educate you about Squarespace. You will receive an invitation to accept your new template within 48 hours of purchase. Upon acceptance, the template will arrive as a new website that comes with a 6-month free trial.

  • Indeed! The cost associated with the Website Template covers the design and usage of the template exclusively. You will also be required to invest in a Squarespace plan to launch or make your site live. We recommend holding off on purchasing the Squarespace plan until after we have delivered your new template, as you'll have the opportunity to benefit from our 20% discount code. Click here to view Squarespace's current pricing.

  • If you have an existing site, and you order a new template, you will need to transfer any existing website content you want into the new template manually. To transfer shop inventory you can export/import CSVs between sites.

  • You have the flexibility to use the designs as they are or take them a step further and customize them to create a truly unique look that suits your preferences. Our video tutorials provide guidance on editing various elements such as colors, fonts, images, graphics, and more. Additionally, you can easily add or remove pages, layouts, and sections to tailor the template to your specific needs.

  • Not to worry! You can have multiple websites under a single Squarespace account. If you already have an existing site on Squarespace, the template will be added as a new website and will remain completely separate from your existing one

  • Due to the digital nature of our products, we do not accept returns, and refunds are not available. If you have any specific inquiries regarding this policy, please feel free to reach out to us before making a purchase.

  • Certainly! With your template purchase, you'll receive complimentary email support. Additionally, Squarespace offers excellent live chat and email support options. You can find detailed information about our support policies by reading them here.

  • No, not at all! We've put in a lot of effort to ensure these templates are incredibly user-friendly. Each design includes step-by-step video instructions that walk you through the process of implementing the design in your Squarespace account using the built-in style editor.