How to Add Favicon in Squarespace

how to add browser icon in squarespace 7.1

To add the favicon

To add favicon in Squarespace 7.1, click on the Settings option in the menu

Under the Settings, click on the Browser icon option. Click on the “+” icon.

You can either select an icon from the media library or upload your icon. To select the icon from the library, click on the Select Form Library option.

From the media library, select the image you want to add as the browser icon and click on Add.

Now, click Save. The chosen image will be added as the favicon icon.

You can also upload the icon by clicking on the Upload File option and uploading your icon from the file manager

To remove the favicon

To remove an added browser icon, click on the three dots option next to the added icon. Click Remove.

To replace the favicon

To replace the added favicon click Replace and repeat the above steps to select your icon.

I hope this article helped you with adding a favicon to Squarespace 7.1 sites.


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