How to Change Fonts in Squarespace

One of the most important aspects of any website design is the font used for text. In this post, we will guide you through the process of changing fonts in Squarespace.

Log in to your account and navigate to the website you want to edit. Once you are on the homepage of your website, click on the Brush icon at the top right corner to access the Site Styles.

i) Change Font Pack

To switch the font pack, click on the Switch option.

Squarespace has a list of pre-matched font pairs to choose from. You can select the font pair that will be suitable for your brand.

ii) Change Global Fonts

You can also individually change fonts for headings, paragraphs, buttons and other miscellaneous text.

To change the font of all the headings, click on the Headings option under the Global Text Styles category.

This will open up the headings side panel where you can customize all the fonts related options for the headings like the font family, weight, style, line height, spacing and more.

To change the font family, click the Family option.

This will open a panel where you can see the currently chosen headings font and a browse all fonts option. Click the Browse all fonts option.

All the fonts available in Squarespace will be displayed. You can use the search bar to search for a specific font. Select the font of your choice.

In addition to other font styling options, you can also individually change the font size of headings from heading 1 to heading 4. Use the slide to increase or decrease the font sizes.

Similarly, the font options for paragraph texts, button texts and miscellaneous texts can also be customized.

Once you have customized the font options to your liking, you can save your changes by clicking on the Save button at the top left corner of the page. Squarespace will automatically apply the new font settings to your website, so you can view the changes by navigating to any page on your website.

Assign Font Styles

Now that you have chosen the font styling for all the text, you can assign those for various elements on your site.

Click Assign Styles option.

In the assign styles pane, select the font you want for various elements on the site like the site title, navigation, header, newsletter button and more.

The chosen font style will be assigned to that element.

Changing fonts in Squarespace is a simple process that can significantly improve the appearance and readability of your website to a great extent.

With the wide range of font options and customization settings available in Squarespace, you can create a unique and professional-looking website that reflects your brand's personality and style without any difficulty.


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